高校受験特別講座・・・第3回(5/22) 中学3年生の英語(Unit 1 Read &Think 1,2+入試問題)

Unit 1 Read and Think ①
who does Asami introduce in her speech?

Grammar  目的語説明型
~は                 する        ~を(~に)  ~に(~と)
主語                    +            動詞       +    目的語  + 目的補語
Playing wheelchair tennis       makes              everyone          happy.

例) Diana calls me Peter.
My grandfather named me Shunya when I was born.
My mother made me a doctor.
Practicing hard  makes us stronger.
Big games makes our team excited.
Winning the championship tournament made us so happy.
We should keep our house clean.
Smiling keeps us positive.
The boy always keeps old people comfortable

Words and Phrases ( 語句)

Some people want to live in a  city just like Kyoto.
The audience have kept waiting the star.
I want to join the meeting, but I can’t.
The news amazed the students. → The students were amazed at the news.
This photos always reminds me my grandfather.
Keep your room warm, and you won’t catch cold.
Don’t be late for the game, or you won’t be able to enter the stadium.

Read and Think ②
What is supporting athletes around the world?
Grammar (文法)

授与型(二重目的語を取る動詞)    A(直接目的語)に、B(間接目的語)してくれる(あげる)
主語       +      動詞   +  A(直接目的語) + B(間接目的語)
This news             gave                 us                 a big surprise.
主語       +      動詞   +  A(直接目的語) + that 節
This statistics      shows             people    that Japanese animated movies are the most popular in the world.

AI tell us that they can support people in lots of ways.
This map teaches us that there are many wonderful temples and shrines in Kyoto.
The picture shows them that Van Gogh was much influenced by Ukiyo-e from Japan.

中学校2年生の復習  他動型  主語 + 動詞(動詞句) + that節
Researchers believe that fruits give us energy quickly.
Animals know that there are dangerous places for them in the forests.
The sign says that the road leads us to Tokyo.
We hope that our team will win the match tomorrow.
I‘m happy that my brother  will come back from New York.
They are sure that  we’ll have a huge earthquake in the future.
I ‘m sorry that she will leave Sendai next month.

Words & Phrases(語句)
This museum was established by the well-known designer.
The country have decided to be friends with each country in South-east Asia.
They are not satisfied with their lives in the US.
More and more foods made in Japan are going to sell around the world.


入試問題  ’19 宮崎

次の対話文は、日曜日に図書館で、ALTのナンシー(Nancy)先生と中学生の美香(Mikaょが対話をしているときのものです。下の(1) (2)の問いに答えなさい。

Nancy : Hi, Mika. Where are you doing here?
Mika   : Hello, Nancy. I came ere to borrow a book for tomorrow morning.
Nancy : Good. Do you like reading?
Mika   : ①□ When I was in elementary school, I read about ten books a month. Now I don’t read so much. I want to make more time for reading.
Nancy : ②□ By the way, have you decided the*title of the 1 minute speech using newspapers yet?
Mika   : ③□ I think it’s hard for me to read newspaper.
Nancy : I used to think so. But since I started reading them, I understand that I can learn many interesting things. Now I try reading newspapers written in Japanese to study.
Mika   : Great! Well, I found a word “NIE” thiss morning, but Idon’t know its meaning. Do you know the word?
Nancy : Maybe it’s #Newspaper in Education.” OK, Let’s check it at the Internet Corner.
Mika   : <At the Internet Corner>
Nancy : ④□
Mika   : Oh, now I understand the meaning of NIE. Thank you.
Nancy : Let me see・・・ Look at this graph! The number of the students who like ” Reading” is the highest among these four.
Mika   : That’s interesting.
Nancy : Yes. Among the other three, the students who like ” Listening to other students”‘ opinion” is the highest. The students who like ” Writing” a little higher thanm the stUdents who like ” Saying what they think.”
Mika   : ⑤□ Everyone has each dea.
Nancy : Getting different ideas gives us new points of view.
*title タイトル、題目 opinion 意見

(1) ①□~⑤□に入る最も適切な英文を、それぞれ次のア~オから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
ア How about this website?
イ No, I haven’t.
ウ I clearly see the differences.
エ Yes, I like it.
オ That’s good for you.

(2) 対話の内容から、上のグラフの( B ) あてはまる項目を、次のア~エから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。

ア 文章を書く イ 考えを直す  ウ 文章を読む  エ 意見を聞く


開講実施月 :  本年度5月~
日   時 :  毎週土曜日 PM 7:00~PM 9:00
講 習 内 容 :  New Horizon 3 + 入試問題演習
入会金 20,000円  年間教材費 10,000円  授業料 10,000円

