中学2年生の英語・・・Unit 4 Scene 1&2, R&T 1,2

Unit 4 Homestay in the United States

Scene 1 What is the advice on website?

have (has)  to 動詞の原形       ~しなければならない(客観的な状況があるとき(EX …交通ルール, 校則))
don’t (doesn’t) have to 動詞の原形  ~しなくてよい、~する必要はない  ⇔ must not ~してはいけない

You have to speak English in my class.
You don’t have to speak perfect English.

Examples from the textbook  and Practice
You have to follow the house rules.
You have to speak English.
You don’t have to speak perfect English.
We have to bring our lunch.
I have to check tomorrow’s weather.
We have to take umbrellas (with us).
Why do I have to do it (taking a bath) so quickly? (Read & Think 1)

Scene 2 What are the Wilson family’s house rules?

must  動詞の原形  ~しなければならない(主観的にそうしなければならないと思うとき、目上の人が目下の人に話すとき)
must not 動詞の原形  ~してはいけない

You must get up early next morning.
You must not get up late next morning.

Examples from the textbook  and Practice
You must come home by six.
You must not go out alone.
You must come home early.
You must stay with us.
You must not make a fire.
You mustn’t pick flowers.
We must save water. (Read & Think 1)

Read & Think 1

動名詞  動詞+ing   ~すること(実際に生き生きと何かしていること)  ⇔  to 不定詞(客観的な事実)

I finished working on the internet.

Examples from the textbook  and Practice
I finished using the bathroom.
I can’t finish washing in such a short time.
My host father is good at cooking.
Everyone enjoys eating his dinner.
We enjoyed playing games together after dinner.(Read & Think 2)
I kept trying to speak in English. (Read & Think 2)
They finished eating lunch.
Birds started singing.
Kaito enjoyed walking in nature.


Read & Think 2

動名詞  動詞+ing   ~すること(実際に生き生きと何かしていること)  ⇔  to 不定詞(客観的な事実)


Studying English is hard but fun.

Examples from the textbook  and Practice
Learning new words was fun.
Staying with a host family was a great experience.
Walking together is nice.
Taking pictures of animals is interesting.
Eating outside(out) is fun.

Important words & phrases

one of
after all
get bored