’24 小学6年生の英語…Unit1


Elementary School 6    New Horizon 

Unit 1  This is me!

様々な国名とその名所旧跡、特産品・食べ物 を覚えましょう。

Country       historic sites, local specialty , food                  language

India        the Taj Mahal       curry                         English

Italy         the Colosseum     pizza   spaghetti                  Italian

America             the Statue of Liberty   American breakfast      English

France               the Eiffel Tower cheese   wine                  French

China        the Great Wall     xiaolongbao                  Chinese

Egypt        the Pyramid                                     Arabic

Russia       matryoshka                borsch                   Russian

Mongolia          ger                                                                Mongolian

Japan                Mt.Fuji                            sushi                    Japanese

Ghana                                    cacao beans  chocolate              English

Turkey             Ayasofya                     kebab                       Turkish

Norway                                     salmon                      Norwegian

Germany                                sausage                   German

Thailand          tiger                     tom yun kung              Thai

Peru                Machu Picchu              inca kola                        Spanish



January 1月      February 2月     March 3月       April 4月

May  5月        June   6月        July  7月    August 8月

September 9月    October 10月     November 11月    December 12月

曜日(weeks) 日付(dates)
Sunday        Monday      Tuesday      Wednesday        Thursday        Friday         Saturday

first              second            third           fourth            fifth              sixth            seventh
1st                 2nd                3rd              4th                5th              6th              7th

eighth          nineth           tenth        eleventh             twelfth        thirteenth      fourteenth
8th                 9th              10tth           11th              12th             13th               14th

fifteenth     sixteenth     seventeenth     eighteenth    nineteenth     twentieth      twenty-first
15th           16th             17th                18th               19 th               20th              21th

 thirty-second  twenty-third  twenty-fourth  twenty-fifth    twenty-sixth      twenty-seventh     twenty-eighth
22th             23th             24th              25th           26th                27th             28th

twenty-ninth   thirtieth         thirty-first
29th            30th             31th


animals (動物)
dog   cat   rabbit   koala   bird   bear   panda   tiger
daily necessaries (身の回りの物)
tabletタブレット dictionary辞書 watch腕時計 computerコンピューター
mugマグカップ racketラケット capつば付きの帽子 soccer ballサッカーボール
tennis    baseball    basketball    badminton
family members(家族など)
father mother grandfather grandmother brother sister parents両親 friend
plays and hobbies(遊び、趣味)
dancing踊り campingキャンプ hikingハイキング fishing魚釣り joggingジョギング
shopping買い物 reading読書 playing the pianoピアノを弾くこと
fine元気な hungryお腹が空いた thirsty喉が渇いた nervous緊張して
sleepy眠い tired疲れた happy 楽しい sad悲しい


Small talk 1

Let’s talk together

B: What is your name.?

A: I’m Hanako.

B: What is your name?

A: I’m Maggie..

B: Where are you from?

.A: I’m from Germany.  Where are you from?

B: I’m from Japan.

Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you, too.

Small talk 2

Let’s talk together.

B: Hi, I’m Josh.

A: Hi, I’m Paul.

B: Well, What animals do you like?

A: I like cats and dogs.

What animals do you like?

B: I like lions and tigers.

Thank you.

A:  You, too.

Small talk 3

Let’s talk together.

B: Hi, I’m Fred.

A: Hi, I’m Casper

B: Well, what is your treasure?

A: My treasure is this watch. It’s from my grandfather. And you?

B: My treasure is my  dog.  It’s from my father. I love dogs very much.

A: Me, too.



Presentation 1

Hello, everyone.

I’m Doris.

I ‘m from Sendai in Japan.

By the way, what animals do you like ?

I like pandas and koalas.

My treasure is my cat.

It’s from my mother.

I love animals very much.

How about you?

Thank you.