小学5年生の英語③・・・Unit 3

New Horizon Elementary 5

Unit 3 What subject(s) do you want to study? どんな科目を勉強をしたいですか?

Japanese 国語 math 数学 English 英語 science 理科 social studies 社会

calligraphy 書写 P.E(physical exercise) 体育 music 音楽
moral education 道徳 arts and crafts 図工 home economics 家庭科

drama 演劇 sign language 手話 integrated studies 総合


astronaut 宇宙飛行士 nurse 看護師 singer 歌手 cook コック teacher 先生

baker パン焼き職人 pilot パイロット doctor 医師 scientist 科学者 vet 獣医

fire fighter 消防士 police officer 警察官 florist 花屋の店員 baseball player 野球選手

musician 音楽家 flight attendant 客室乗務員 actor 俳優

2  Communication 友達とおしゃべりをしてみよう。( Let’s communicate with your friend.)
Small talk  1
A: Hi, Kumi.
B: Hi, Jake.
A: How was school today?
B: Pretty good. And you?
A: So so.
Well, what subject do you want to study?
B: I want to study English.
A: What do you want to be ( in the future) ?
B: I want to be a flight attendant.
A: I see.

 Small talk  2
A: Hi, Lily/.

B: Hi, Shota.
A: How was school today?
B: Great. And you?
A: good.
Well, what subject do you study?
B: I want to study Music.
A: What do you want to be ( in the future) ?
B: I want to be a musician.
A: I see.

Small talk  3
A: Hi, Megan.
B: Hi, Bill.
A: How was school today?
B: Good. And you?
A: Splendid.
Well, what subject do you study?
B: I want to study P.E and science.
A: What do you want to be ( in the future) ?
B: I want to be a astronaut.
A: I see.
3 Presentation      プレゼンをしてみよう。(Let’s make a presentation!!)
Presentation 1
Hi, there.
I’m Kazuya. Nice to meet you.
By the way, what subject do you study?
I want to study English and drama.
I want to be an actor.
Well, what do you want to be, you guys?
Thank you.

Presentation 2

Hi, there.
I’m Rachel. Nice to meet you.
By the way, what subject do you study?
I want to study home economics.
I want to be an baker.
Well, what do you want to be, you guys?
Thank you.