中学3年生の英語・・・ Unit 4 R&T 1,2

Unit 4 Read & Think 1,2
Read & Think 1 What kinds of troubles did these people have?
現在分詞 ~している人(物)
① We spoke to a police officer.  +② (The police officer) (was) passing by.
③ We spoke to a police officer passing by.  私たちはそばを通り過ぎる警察官に話しかけた。
 too ~ to  構文 あまりにも~過ぎて~できない
I am too tired to work any more. 私は疲れすぎてもう働くことはできない。
Examples from the textbook and Practice
We spoke to a police officer passing by.
There was a woman speaking to some travelers in English.
That girl eating chocolate is a singer.
That man drinking coffee is a famous actor.
Those boys dancing together are my favorite group.
We were too scared to get out.
Words  & Phrases
I ran out of the house with my wife.
We were too scared to get out.
We spoke to a police officer passing by.
On the way back, there was big earth.
She told us how to go back.

Read & Think 2   What did Wakaba City have yesterday?

過去分詞 ~された(されている)人(物)
① People visiting from abroad can follow instructions.
(The instructions) (are) written in English.
③ People visiting from abroad can follow the instructions written in English.
 Examples from the textbook and practice
They followed instructions given in English and easy Japanese
The city handed out an evacuation map made by Wakaba Junior High School students.
The map made by the students is useful.
The drills held by the city is important.
Information written in many languages is necessary.

Words  & Phrases
The city handed out an evacuation map made by Wakaba Junior High School students.
More and more people from abroad are coming to live in Japan.
復習 Many of the tourists don’t know what to do in a disaster.(scene2)
It’s necessary for them to be prepared to support foreign residents.
The map shows people where they should go in an earthquake.(scene 2)

Examples from the textbook and Practice
We spoke to a police officer passing by.
There was a woman speaking to some travelers in English.
That girl eating chocolate is a singer.
That man drinking coffee is a famous actor.
Those boys dancing together are my favorite group.
We were too scared to get out.
Words  & Phrases
I ran out of the house with my wife.
We were too scared to get out.
We spoke to a police officer passing by.
On the way back, there was big earth.
She told us how to go back.