高校受験特別講座・・・第7回(7/17) 中学3年生の英語 Unit 4 scene 1 & 2

Unit 4 Be Prepared and Work Together

Scene 1  How many foreign people in Midori City know where the local shelter is?
間接疑問文の作り方  → 主語 + 動詞 + 疑問詞の付いた疑問文の肯定形(目的語)
通常の疑問文 What did  you do for your  birthday?
間接疑問文      I don’t know  What you did for your birthday.
I know when he will come to Japan.
Do you know what your little sister wants for her birthday?
I don’t know how many countries Joe has visited.
I want to know what we should prepare for disasters.

Words& Phrases
Let’s circle the odd number of the sentences below.
We’ll save a lot of food and water in case of big earthquakes.
We should know where the local shelter in Midori City.
The sign shows fire danger rating.
You can get some information about hurricane and tsunami evacuation routes in this place.
The local government published emergency assembly point in case of disasters.


Scene 1 Does Meg know what she should put in an emergency kit?

①目的語説明型  → 主語+動詞+(人)+疑問詞の付いた疑問文の肯定形(目的語)
通常の疑問文 What did  you do for your  birthday?
間接疑問文      Please tell me  What you did for your birthday.
②疑問詞 + to do   to 不定詞の特別用法(形容詞的用法)
what to do = the thing(s) to do,  where to go = the place to go,  when to leave = the time to leave,
how to do = the way to do,  who to meet = the man to meet 

I want to know what to do next.
Can you tell me when the English will starts?
My teacher taught us how many countries there are in the world.
The lady showed them how they should get to the museum.
They told us how tall the Tokyo Tower is.
I want to know
what to do next.

He was kind to teach us how to use a computer.
I was surprised to know where to meet together at the next meeting.
Have you decided which math class you’ll join, yet?
Words & Phrases
Let’s have a emergency kit.
I hope to contact with each other after we graduate from school.
We usually
put many spices in curry. 

would you send me a link?

入試問題 埼玉’20
次のenvironmental problems(環境問題)についての英文を読んで、あなたの考えを、[条件]と[記入上の注意]に従って40語以上50語程度の英語で書きなさい。
There are many environmental problems we have to solve in the world. Global warming has *caused serious problems in many parts of the world. Many people are suffering from water pollution. Forest areas are getting smaller, and *desert areas are getting larger.
It is important for each of you to think of these problems as your own problems. Some people say everyone should make *environmentally friendly choices when they use or buy things, or try to do something else. Even students can do something as a small *step. What can you do now?

[注]cause  ~を引き起こす  desert 砂漠  environmentally friendly 環境にやさしい  step 一歩

① 【記入欄】にならって、解答欄の下線  の上に1語ずつ書きなさい。
・符号( , . ? ! ) などは語数に含めま    せん。
・50語を超える場合は、解答欄の破線_ _ _ _ で示された行におさまるように書きなさい。
②  英文の数は問いません。
③  【下書き欄】は。必要に応じて使って構いません。(【下書き欄】は省きます。)

 Hi,     I’m      Nancy.     I’m      from

 America.   Where       are       you        from?
= = = = = = = == = = = = = = == = = = = = = == = = = = = = == = = = = = = =

   is                April     2.       2004.         It 
is                    Ken’s             birthday,               too.
_ _ _ _    _ _ _ _        _ _ _ _      _ _ _ _











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